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Quality Policy


BL in order to ensure the quality of services and products provided has established to develop on an ongoing basis, an efficient Quality Management System in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015, suitable to ensure compliance with applicable standards and laws and to meet the specific expectations of the customer and all stakeholders.

The quality of the services provided and the speed of delivery represent the driving force of the organization and its primary objective. BL aims to improve customer satisfaction through the effective application, monitoring and continuous improvement of the system adopted. For the concrete realization of these propositions, BL defines, verifies and adapts the operational objectives during the review phase and periodically evaluates their achievement. It also periodically reviews this policy in order to ascertain its continued suitability.
In order to guarantee the Customer the maximum reliability of the service provided, BL has equipped itself with the necessary human and material resources.

Given that BL identifies human resources as the mainstay for the achievement of these objectives, without neglecting the importance of the technological adequacy of equipment, nor the quality of supplies, the methods set to achieve the desired results can be summarized in the will to promote and spread the mentality of continuous improvement. To this end, actions aimed at involving all the organization's staff are identified and set up, including training activities that provide for the diffusion of the culture of quality and the increase of everyone's professional competence.

The organization's program provides for the collection of performance information and the systematic analysis of results in order to reduce and eliminate the possible causes of anomalies. For the implementation, management and control of this program, a Quality Management System has been established to identify, address and resolve quality-related problems. The Quality Management Manager informs the General Management on the state of adequacy of the system and the achievement of objectives and proposes corrective actions or improvement plans necessary to improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System adopted.


In view of the above, BL intends to:


  • Ensure the provision of service in accordance with what has been signed with its customers
  • Reduce or cancel complaints for service and product delivery
  • Satisfy both expressed and unspoken customer expectations
  • Research new technologies that can make the products/services offered more efficient and reliable
  • Produce a turnover and profit that allow the sustenance of the Organization
  • Improve the professionalism of its staff, with constant education, training and awareness
  • Involve all stakeholders in order to achieve constant improvement
  • Foster a culture of Health, Safety, Security and Environmental consciousness.
  • Support sustainable waste management processes.
  • To act in full compliance with national and international regulations and laws applicable to the business sector